The Gibson family moved to Tenerife in 2008. More Info

James and Ellie moved to Tenerife in 2007 More Info

The Bramwell family moved to Tenerife in 2005. Are they still there? More Info

Real life stories...

About Living In Tenerife


There are two important pieces of advice I would give anyone considering moving to Tenerife. Firstly, do your research. Find out as much as you can about living and working there, the upsides and the downsides. Secondly, if you do finally make the move, always use a reputable solicitor (Gestor) when you are dealing with business, property and other legalities. Our Gestor came highly recommended and we have used them ever since. More on this subject in the book.


Tenerife – The Life - The Reality


As much as it hurts me to say this, “don’t trust anyone, even people of your own nationality”, if they get the slightest inkling that you have money, there will be plenty of people who will do their best to part you from it. To get on in Tenerife it’s important to prove you are a reliable and trustworthy person, never let your guard down when negotiating business or property deals. Let the head rule the heart, and if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!


You should also be aware that employers are no strangers to people who are ‘here today, gone tomorrow’ and some of them (not all) will take advantage of the fact that you probably don’t know how the system works. Becoming self-employed is an option that many people turn to and although it can be very rewarding it can also bring its own problems. Suppliers are reluctant to offer credit facilities to new businesses, so all your stock will have to be paid for up front.


Unfortunately, the reputation of Tenerife isn’t going to improve anytime soon. When the recession hit in 2008 / 2009, Tenerife saw a wave of businesses close down and people leaving the island with little more than the clothes they were wearing. Cars have been abandoned at the airport or on the road side and estate agents reported a record number of property owners simply handing the keys back, because they couldn’t sell their property or continue to pay their mortgage.


But with recession comes opportunity and this recession will see the survival of the fittest and bring newcomers with new ideas.


The complete article is available in the ebook.